"The trip to Wembley looks to have created real excitement with the fans and tickets are selling really quickly. Everything looks set for a massive Town following and a great occasion."To sell upwards of 30,000 tickets with travel, including coaches and trains, in less than 10 days is a real logistical challenge. Put simply, our own Ticket Office isn't capable of doing that and we have to be realistic; whilst we could have taken a brave decision and tried to manage the process ourselves, it would not have been right and we were not prepared to risk operational problems in selling the tickets and serving our fans."Also, as well as dealing with Wembley, the Ticket Office has to deal with a big Huddersfield Giants game at the Stadium tonight."Like last year, we made a very early decision to contract out to Ticketmaster, who are experts in dealing with huge demand in a short period. This means booking fees have to be paid by fans, which is not ideal."I'm sure some fans would have preferred to buy directly from the Ticket Office and avoid the booking fee, but this would only have led to massive queues and long waits and run the risk of some very stressed and upset fans."The decision was made to give the best service to the fans. So far feedback is favourable with half a dozen adverse comments out of the 10,000 sold. When people have problems, our Ticket Office staff are sorting them out; they are first class, as our fans know."
So what do you think of the whole ticket scenario? Tell us what you think over in the forums.
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